
Based upon recent development of practical isolation techniques for eosinophils, labeling and in vivo imaging of eosinophils has been achieved. Isolation of cells was performed utilizing a Percoll density gradient. The eosinophils were subsequently labeled by a modified 111In-oxine method. Migration of eosinophils in response to intradermal ear-pinna injections of SEA (soluble schistosoma egg antigen). S. mansoni eggs, E. coli, and turpentine was followed with gamma-ray camera imaging from 4 to 48 h. Maximal localization, determined by Gamma 11 data processing, occurred by 4-h post-injection of radiolabel. SEA and S. mansoni eggs provided a greater stimulus for localization than E. coli or turpentine. Neutrophils did not preferentially accumulate. Tissue distribution of labeled eosinophils was greatest in the spleen, followed by liver and bone. 111In-labeled-eosinophil scans are sensitive to parasitic infections, although somewhat nonspecific.

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