
Abstract Dairy farm margin has continued to be a challenge for the dairy industry. Several years of challenging milk prices with limited relief from high feed costs and increasing production cost have continued to erode the net margin of US dairy farms. As dairy producers continue to operate in a challenging economic environment, discoveries are being made in various farm efficiencies to improve farm margin. Increased management intensity on all aspects of the dairy farm is resulting in the discover of and improvement of many individual efficiency factors. Key areas of economic efficiency include feed, animal reproduction, replacement animals, labor and resource allocation. Often the answer to improved efficiency involves more than just reduced production cost, but also in the improvement of production to reduce the cost per unit of milk produced. Identifying and focusing on the important factors that can improve overall farm efficiency will enable producers to weather the economic challenges. For dairy producers, one of the complications is the biology of the dairy cow and understanding how to utilize the biology correctly for improved efficiency of milk production. Improved efficiency of milk production requires attention to details in many areas of the dairy. Identifying the correct areas of deficiencies, establishing corrective plans of action and then careful evaluation of the impact of changes are all key to the overall success of improving dairy farm margins and efficiencies.

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