
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 会同和朱亭11年生杉木林能量积累与分配 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201110081464 作者: 作者单位: 中南林业科技大学 长沙,中南林业科技大学 长沙,中南林业科技大学 长沙 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家重点野外台站资助项目(2000-076); 国家林业局重点科研资助项目(2001-07) The energy storage and its distribution in 11-year-old chinese fir plantations in Huitong and Zhuting Author: Affiliation: Central South University of Forestry & Technology,, Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:利用我国杉木中心产区会同和杉木扩大栽培区朱亭测定的杉木林生物量和干物质热值资料的基础上,对会同和朱亭11年生杉木人工林能量积累和分配规律进行研究。结果表明:杉木人工林群落林分能量现存量与立地和气候条件关系密切,朱亭11年生杉木人工林群落林分能量现存量 (9294×108-10894×108J/hm2)显著低于会同(12406×108-14733 ×108J/hm2);同龄林分中,现存能量的数值在一定的林分密度范围内,随密度增加而减少。随密度增加而减少的能量现存量,主要是减少了树干的能量现存量,而枝、叶的能量现存量则保持一定稳定状态;能量在林分各组分的分配比大小依次是干>根>叶>枝,林分各组分能量的分配比大小也与立地和气候条件有关,树干中能量分配比会同(56.8%-61.2%)大于朱亭(47.0%-53.5%),枝叶中能量分配比朱亭(28.3%-34.2%)大于会同(22.2%-25.9%);林分能量现存量的空间分布与林分功能作用层面及对水分和养分交换作用密切相关,林分的地表平面和林冠2/3高度处分配的能量最多。 Abstract:The energy storage and distribution were studied in the 11-year-old Chinese fir plantations in Huitong, the central production area and Zhuting, the expanded cultivation area based on the biomass and thermal value of try matter. The result showed that the the amount of existing energy in Chinese fir plantation of Huitong area (12406×108-14733×108J/hm2) was significantly higher than that in Zhuting (9294×108-10894×108J/hm2), suggesting the stand condition and climate play a critical role on the energy accumulation in Chinese fir plantations. Besides, the amount of existing energy in both Chinese fir plantation areas decreased with increasing density in a certain range of stand density, mainly due to the reduced existing energy of the trunk capacity, whereas the amount of existing energy of branches and leaves maintains at a stable state. The allocation of the energy to the different componentsof the tree was different, ranked with decreasing order: stem, roots, leaves, and branches. The energy distribution ratio in Huitong is different from that in Zhuting, e.g. the for both planations, for energy allocated into stem was 56.8%-61.2% in Huitong plantation, which was higher than that of 47.0%-53.5% in Zhuting, while in leaves, the allocation ratio is much lower in Huitong (22.2%-25.9%) than that in Zhuting (28.3%-34.2%). For the spatial distribution of the amount of existing energy at the stand level, most of existing energy was distributed at the soil surface and 2/3 height of the canopy above the ground, where was regarded the most important places for the exchange of substances and energy including water, light, gas and heat in the surrounding environment in forest. Results indicated that: (1) where there is the most urgency in supply of water and nutrients, there is the largest gathering of energy flows at the ecosystem level, and (2) for the 11a stand, there were some factors not suited to the growth of Chinese fir plantation in Zhuting area, in terms of micrometeorologic factors and stand conditions compared with Huitong area, the central area of China fir plantation. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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