
This chapter introduces C++, C is an excellent software development language for many general purpose applications. Its approach is that data and associated functions are distinct, data is declared and the functions are then implemented. Object-oriented programming languages allow the encapsulation of a set of data types and associated functions into objects. These objects are integrated entities. C++ is the most popular object-oriented language. It was developed by Bjane Stoustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories. A new programming language, based on C++, called Java, has since been developed by Sun Microsystems. C++ is well supported and there are many different development systems. In C, output is sent to the standard output using the print f () function. In C++, standard input and output are taken from streams. The standard output stream is cout (normally to the monitor) and the standard input stream is taken from c i n (normally from the keyboard). To be able to use these streams, the iostream , h header file must be included in the program.

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