
Endlicher (Gen. P1. Suppl. 2: 24. 1842; Syn. Conif.: 53. 1847) ascribed Thujopsis to & Zuccarini, Fl. Jap. 2, t. 119-120, ined. According to Stafleu & Cowan (in Regnum Veg. 112: 589. 1985), the date of publication of this part of the Flora japonica (vol. 2(4): 29-36, t. 116-120) is Apr-Aug 1844. Endlicher apparently received a manuscript for the Flora from Zuccarini and published their generic diagnosis (with some modifications). It is obvious, from the dates given by Stafleu & Cowan for the first five parts of volume 2 of the Flora japonica, that there was an unexpected delay in publication of nearly two years, between parts 3 and 4. Siebold & Zuccarini (Fl. Jap. 2: 34. 1844) gave a full description of the only species in the genus, Thujopsis citing dolabrata Thunb. (Fl. Jap. 2: 266. 1784) in synonymy (i.e., dolabrata Thunb. ex L. f., Suppl. PI.: 420. 1782). The holotype specimen is from Japan (C. P. Thunberg s.n., as Thuja dolabrata, UPS; vide Juel, P1. Thunb.: 70. 1918). In the early stages of a conifer checklist project, being carried out at Kew by the authors, all generic names in Index kewensis and its supplements were screened. In checking the protologue of one synonym, the second author stumbled upon Dolophyllum Salisb. (in Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts 2(4): 313. 1817), which had not been listed in either Index kewensis or the Index nominum genericorum (plantarum):

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