
Abstract Introduction The National End of Life Care Strategy highlighted the need for individualised care plans accessible to the multi-disciplinary team. Care planning tools have been shown to improve documentation, with proformas providing a systematic approach to recording EOL discussions. Our initial staff survey highlighted a lack of familiarity with required EOLC documentation. We aimed to increase awareness of existing documentation proformas and to improve EOLC documentation on an elderly care ward. Methods A Driver Diagram increased understanding of the principles underlying excellent EOLC and aided development of change ideas. The Model for Improvement allowed identification of measurable aims. 20 patient notes were reviewed fortnightly, including patients who had died since the previous intervention. Results Three PDSA cycles were completed, changes were measured by evaluating patient documentation. The first PDSA cycle involved providing training to nursing colleagues. Step-by-step teaching on the use of Cerner EOL documentation demonstrated a 15% increase in completed care plans. The second cycle (placing posters around the ward) - detailing how to access and document care plans resulted in a 5% increase. The third cycle (25% improvement) involved education sessions for ward doctors. Conclusions Comprehensive documentation is key to ensuring good EOLC, as it enables continuity of care and improves MDT communication. Withdrawal of the Liverpool Care Pathway resulted in a need for individualised care plans. Active interventions including face-to-face teaching were more effective than passive (posters) in improving documentation. Limitations included small sample sizing, likely due to a lack of engagement with questionnaires and inclusion criteria. Only documentation of deceased patients was analysed, excluding patients discharged home or transferred to hospice. We aim to extend to other elderly care wards and to integrate documentation training into junior doctor induction. A review of existing EOL proformas and their ease of access may also be considered.

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