
SummaryVernonia missurica Raf. (Compositae: Vernonieae: Vernoniinae) is described and illustrated, a full synonymy provided, the location of known type material provided, and its taxonomic position discussed; a selected iconography is indicated. The cultivation, propagation, pests and diseases and availability of the species are commented on. The complexity of the tribe Vernonieae in a global context is discussed and compared with that of the Eupatorieae. Vernonia Schreb. sensu stricto is considered by some to be restricted to North America and Mexico, with two disjunct species in South America. The infrageneric classification of Vernonia s.s. is commented on, although it is clearly appropriate to regard any formal classification as work in progress as historical attempts are a nomenclatural issue still to be resolved, if needed. The etymology of the generic names Vernonia and Vernoniopsis is introduced and then discussed at length. Vernoniopsis Dusén (Vernonieae), described following anatomical work on xylopodia, is considered to be congeneric with Pycnocephalum (Less.) DC. (Vernonieae). Dusén's name, once highlighted, has subsequently been added to Index Nominum Genericorum, although incorrect assumptions have been made in the Plants of the World Online record, and still have to be updated. A revised generic synonymy of Pycnocephalum and that of Pycnocephalum plantaginifolium (Less.) DC. is provided; the types of all heterotypic synonyms is stated, along with the location of known type material. The later homonym, Vernoniopsis Humbert (currently in the Astereae: Madagasterinae), thus requiring a replacement name, is given the name Jalantzia, and the appropriate new combinations, Jalantzia caudata and J. lokohensis, are made.

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