
Abstract Smithfield Foods has initiated Raised Without Antibiotics (RWA) programs into its vertical integration model in the past. This opportunity to drive change to meet a growing demand provides an unique ability to analyze approaches to raising swine in a setting where multiple entities are tied to the success of a program and maintaining a focus of animal welfare, traceability and financial responsibilities are a must. There is a wide range of housing and resources used for industry RWA programs across those that implement such practices. Smithfield Foods program was performed in conjunction with its company-owned sow farms weaning to contracted grower bases in conventional wean-to-finish barn settings within the Midwest making it a multi-entity managed approach. Therefore, a full-package view is mandatory for the success of a RWA program and takes into account many current industry research approaches as well as fulfilling basic husbandry parameters. A focus too heavily on one will alter the ability to achieve program goals. The focus in the most recent success of the RWA program provided by Smithfield Foods included beginning with high health pig sources sourcing robust offspring, utilizing strategic vaccines and timing to combat potential obstructive issues, specific biosecurity plans, optimal environment uniformity, nutrition and water quality focuses and individual pig awareness throughout the entirety of the pig’s time in the program. Over 400,000 pigs were placed into Smithfield Foods RWA Program. The outcome of implementing the multi-faceted approach of securing the basic animal husbandry, along with newer industry knowledge and research, led to only 1.53% individual pigs needing to be taken off of the program due to requiring an antibiotic treatment and the remaining pigs within the program having high success in financial returns with competitive company growth performances.

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