
Tourist destinations around the world are trying to cope with the needs of visitors, which are very susceptible to change. Nowadays, tourists are becoming more sophisticated and knowledgeable; their needs for extensive and diverse experiences increasing. As opposed to the destinations whose tourism development depends on the natural resources that are difficult to influence and whose business is susceptible to the negative impacts of seasonality, destinations of city and cultural tourism have more space to design their offers and contents that can satisfy the needs of travelers of the modern age. Content that can make a destination unique and well known, is the cultural heritage created in the Art Nouveau style. The Vienna secession architectural masterpieces can represent major tourist attractions in some destinations. For example, many attractive tourist cities such as Aveiro, Barcelona, Prague and Hamburg tourists visit just in order to feel and experience these works of art. For this reason, it is very important to point out Art Nouveau as an essential part of the cultural heritage of the destination and enable informing and introducing tourists with this valuable tourism potential. The initial hypothesis of this paper is that Aveiro has authentic cultural heritage in the Art Nouveau style that enriches the tourist offer of the city and that attracts a certain segment of the tourism market. The aim of the paper is to examine the participation and influence of Art Nouveau heritage in the tourism industry of Aveiro.


  • Tourist destinations around the world are trying to cope with the needs of visitors, which are very susceptible to change

  • As opposed to the destinations whose tourism development depends on the natural resources that are difficult to influence and whose business is susceptible to the negative impacts of seasonality, destinations of city and cultural tourism have more space to design their offers and contents that can satisfy the needs of travellers of the modern age

  • Content that can make a destination unique and well known, is the cultural heritage created in the Art Nouveau style

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UTICAJ UMETNIČKOG PRAVCA SECESIJA I NJEGOVOG NASLEĐA NA TURIZAM - STUDIJA SLUČAJA AVEIRO. Turističke destinacije širom sveta teže da izađu u susret potrebama svojih posetilaca, koje su veoma podložne promenama. Za razliku od destinacija čiji razvoj turizma najviše zavisi od prirodnih resursa na koje je teško uticati, i čije poslovanje je podložno negativnim uticajima sezonalnosti, destinacije gradskog i kulturnog turizma sadrže prostore za oblikovanje svoje ponude i sadržaje koji mogu da zadovolje potrebe putnika modernog doba. Sadržaj koji destinaciju može da učini jedinstvenom i nadaleko poznatom jeste i kulturno nasleđe stvoreno u stilu secesije. Iz tog razloga je veoma važno istaći secesiju kao bitan deo kulturne baštine određene destinacije i omogućiti informisanje i upoznavanje turista sa ovako vrednim turističkim potencijalima. Polazna hipoteza ovog rada je da Aveiro poseduje autentično kulturno nasleđe u stilu secesije koje obogaćuje turističku ponudu grada i koja privlači određene segmente turističkog tržišta. Cilj rada je sagledavanje učešća i uticaja nasleđa secesije u turističkoj delatnosti Aveira

Doprinosi secesije i njenog nasleđa turizmu Aveira
Glavne odlike secesije u Aveiru i njeno nasleđe
Rezidencija Franciško Silva Roša
Zgrada Muzeja secesije
Turistički promet Aveira
Broj dolazaka Prosečna dužina boravka
Broj gostiju po stanovniku
Predlozi za poboljšanje uloge nasleđa secesije u turističkoj ponudi Aveira
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