
AbstractThe Waterfall, Spiral, and Vee models are reminder models that guide us to less perilous paths when developing solutions to problems. Dr. Royce's Waterfall (Royce 1970) provides an orderly approach to software development. Dr. Boehm's Spiral (Boehm 1988) provides emphasis on solving known software risks before proceeding with Royce's Waterfall. The Forsberg/Mooz Vee Model (Forsberg 1991) embraces full systems development by including details of integration, verification, and validation and opportunity and risk management in the symmetry of the Vee development sequence. However, all of these single solution development models fail to address the necessary concurrent development of a system's architecture with the entities of that architecture. The Dual Vee Model introduced in Visualizing Project Management, 3rd Edition in 2005, does just that and illuminates the necessary interactions and sequences recommended for orderly maturation of a system and systems of systems. This paper explains the power of the Dual Vee Model when applied as a reminder model for development of complex systems.

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