
Cardiac alternans, a period-2 behavior of excitation and contraction of the heart, is a precursor of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. One form of alternans is repolarization or action potential duration alternans. In cardiac tissue, repolarization alternans can be spatially in-phase, called spatially concordant alternans, or spatially out-of-phase, called spatially discordant alternans (SDA). In SDA, the border between two out-of-phase regions is called a node in a one-dimensional cable or a nodal line in a two-dimensional tissue. In this study, we investigate the stability and dynamics of the nodes and nodal lines of repolarization alternans driven by voltage instabilities. We use amplitude equation and coupled map lattice models to derive theoretical results, which are compared with simulation results from the ionic model. Both conduction velocity restitution induced SDA and non-conduction velocity restitution induced SDA are investigated. We show that the stability and dynamics of the SDA nodes or nodal lines are determined by the balance of the tensions generated by conduction velocity restitution, convection due to action potential propagation, curvature of the nodal lines, and repolarization and coupling heterogeneities. Our study provides mechanistic insights into the different SDA behaviors observed in experiments.

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