
Ryazan Railway Training School (now — Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University) is celebrating the centenary (100th anniversary). Its history includes an enormous amount of significant and minor facts, meaningful events. They have defined and influenced its development. There are copies of archival documents in the museum of the Ryazan branch PGURS. These copies of archival documents show the details of the establishment of the Ryazan Railway Training School. Branch workers and graduates have done a great job to systematize the data from the city archives and the museum fund during the anniversary preparation. A book «100 years to Ryazan Railway Training School» has been prepared for publication. The book contains research papers and photos. This article reflects the reliable historical facts. We refer to the following: the background of Ryazan Railway Training School, military and post-war events, introducing new specialties, names of outstanding people. The article deals with the current state of Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University. The students fill Ryazan branch every autumn. Young people introduce modern ideas, thoughts and plans, new life to Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University every autumn. Development of careful attitude to the history and keeping traditions are the priority tasks in the work of Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University at all times.


  • Branch workers and graduates have done a great job to systematize the data from the city archives and the museum fund during the anniversary preparation

  • A book «100 years to Ryazan Railway Training School» has been prepared for publication

  • The article deals with the current state of Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST

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The article deals with the current state of Ryazan branch of Emperor Alexander I ST. Рязани создано Рязанское строительное среднее техническое училище путей сообщения [3, 4]. В протоколе No 8 торжественного открытия Рязанского строительного среднетехнического училища путей сообщения, датированным тем же днем, есть запись: «...Затем директор училища т. 1 Рязань в фотографиях XIX – первой трети XX века: Альбом-каталог из собраний Рязанского историко-архитектурного музея-заповедника и Государственного архива Рязанской области / сост. Из техникума за годы войны в ряды действующей армии были призваны 314 учащихся.

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