
Machine requirements include accuracy of ground parts, simplicity of operation and high removal rate capability. High removal rate is a relative term that reflects the type of grinding to be undertaken whether it is extremely rapid removal of easy-to-grind material or ultra-precision removal accuracy in the sub-micron domain. Initial considerations include types of inaccuracy, principles of machine design to achieve high machine stiffness and low deflections levels due to grinding forces, temperature rise or machine wear. Examples of machine design are included, including effects of cantilevered structure and closed structures. Experimental results are provided showing the effect of machine improvements on grinding behaviour including size control and surface roughness. Spindles, slide-ways and bearings are given more detailed consideration since these elements are extremely important for accuracy, long machine life and low rate of wear. Sufficient calculations are included for evaluation of the capability of high-precision hydrostatic, hybrid and aerostatic bearings. Trends in grinding machine design are reviewed and a number of examples illustrate modern trends with references to published work. The final section describes a number of examples of ultra-precision grinding machines.

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