
The crystal structure of a new mineral britvinite Pb{sub 7.1}Mg{sub 4.5}(Si{sub 4.8}Al{sub 0.2}O{sub 14})(BO{sub 3})(CO{sub 3})[(BO{sub 3}){sub 0.7}(SiO{sub 4}){sub 0.3}]= (OH, F){sub 6.7} from the Langban iron-manganese skarn deposit (Vaermland, Sweden) is determined at T = 173 K using X-ray diffraction (Stoe IPDS diffractometer, {lambda}MoK{alpha}, graphite monochromator, 2{theta}{sub max} = 58.43{sup o}, R = 0.052 for 6262 reflections). The main crystal data are as follows: a = 9.3409(8) A, b = 9.3579(7) A, c = 18.8333(14) A, {alpha} = 80.365(6) deg., {beta} = 75.816(6) deg., {gamma} = 59.870(5) deg., V = 1378.7(2) A{sup 3}, space group P1, Z = 2, and {rho}{sub calcd} = 5.42 g/cm{sup 3}. The idealized structural formula of the mineral is represented as [Pb{sub 7}(OH){sub 3}F(BO{sub 3}){sub 2}(CO{sub 3})][Mg{sub 4.5}(OH){sub 3}(Si{sub 5}O{sub 14})]. It is demonstrated that the mineral britvinite is a new representative of the group of mica-like layered silicates with structures in which three-layer (2: 1) 'sandwiches' composed of tetrahedra and octahedra alternate with blocks of other compositions, such as oxide, oxide-carbonate, oxide-carbonate-sulfate, and other blocks. The tetrahedral networks (Si{sub 5}O{sub 14}){sub {infinity}}{sub {infinity}} consisting of twelve-membered rings are fragments of the britvinite structure. Similar networks also form crystal structures of the mineral zeophyllitemore » and the synthetic phase Rb{sub 6}Si{sub 10}O{sub 23}. In the crystal structures under consideration, the tetrahedral networks differ in the rotation of tetrahedra with respect to the layer plane.« less

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