
The metabolism of 14C-glycine (a substrate for photorespiration) was studied in the light and in darkness under natural CO2 concentration (0.03%) in the leaves of ephemeroides Scilla sibirica Haw. and Ficaria verna Huds. at different developmental stages. Using one and the same sample, potential photosynthesis (at 1% CO2), true photosynthesis (at 0.03% CO2), and leaf respiratory capacity were measured by the radiometric and manometric methods, respectively. All measurements were performed at 15°C, an average temperature during ephemer growth. It was found that, in the white zone of the Scilla leaf, the rate of CO2 evolution resulting from metabolization of exogenous 14C-glycine was similar in the light and in darkness. In the green zone of the Scilla leaf and in the green leaf of Ficaria, both 14C-glycine absorption and 14CO2 evolution were lower in the light as compared with darkness, which is explained by CO2 reassimilation. In all treatments of both plant species, a specific inhibitor of glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC), aminoacetonitrile (5 mM) suppressed CO2 evolution by 20–40%. It was concluded that in ephemeroides mitochondrial GDC, responsible for CO2 evolution in photorespiration, is formed at the earliest stage of leaf development. This indicates that photorespiration can occur simultaneously with the development of the leaf photosynthetic activity. On the basis of the assumption that carbon losses in the form of CO2 evolved during photorespiration comprise 25% of true photosynthesis, it was calculated that, in ephemer leaves, the highest rates of photorespiration and photosynthesis were attained during flowering when the leaf area was the largest and the rate of dark respiration was reduced by 1.5–2.0 times. The highest rates of dark respiration were observed in the beginning of growth. In senescing leaves by the end of the plant vegetation, potential photosynthesis and true photosynthesis were reduced, whereas dark respiration remained essentially unchanged. It is concluded that the high rates of potential and true photosynthesis are characteristic of ephemeroides when they complete their short developmental program in early spring (at 15°C); theoretically, photorespiration also occurs at a high rate during this period, when this process provides for a defense against the threat of photoinhibition at low temperature and high insolation.

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