
We study the (1, q = −1) model coupled to topological gravity as a candidate to describing 2D string theory at the self-dual radius. We define the model by analytical continuation of q > 1 topological recursion relations to q = −1. We show that at genus zero the q = −1 recursion relations yield the W 1+∞ Ward identities for tachyon correlators on the sphere. A scheme for computing correlation functions of q = −1 gravitational descendants is proposed and applied for the computation of several correlators. It is suggested that the latter correspond to correlators of discrete states of the c = 1 string. In a similar manner to the q > 1 models, we shaw that there exist topological recursion relations for the correlators in the q = −1 theory that consist of only one and two splittings of the Riemann surface. Using a postulated regularized contact, we prove that the genus one q = −1 recursion relations for tachyon correlators coincide with the W 1+∞ Ward identities on the torus. We argue that the structure of these recursion relations coincides with that of the W 1+∞ Ward identities for any genus.

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