
IN 1906 the Duke of the Abruzzi, already famous for his exploration of the lofty mountains of Alaska, resolved to do what no other traveller had done—make a thorough examination of the range of snow mountains in equatorial Africa known as “Ruwenzori.” The number of snow peaks, their altitudes, extent of glaciation, and exact position on the map remained still unknown, although Ruwenzori had been revealed to geographical knowledge for nearly twenty years. Although no previous explorers had had the monetary resources of this prince of the House of Savoy, and consequently been able to fit out such a perfectly organised expedition, yet it must be noted that most of the Duke's predecessors suffered from sheer bad luck in the way of weather, or difficulties arising from the disturbed condition of the natives. Otherwise the Duke of the Abruzzi might have been forestalled as conqueror of these virgin peaks. But in any case it is doubtful whether any previous traveller was so perfectly trained to make every use of his opportunities as the Duke of the Abruzzi, who, apart from his carefully chosen staff, selected to deal specially with geology, biology, and photography, was himself a highly trained surveyor, scientific geographer, and alpinist. (1) Il Ruwenzori: parte scientifica: risultati delle osservazioni e studi compiuti sul materiale raccolto dalla spedizione di S.A.R. il Principe Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. Vol. i., Zoologia e Botanica. Pp. vii + 603; 74 plates. Vol. ii., Geologia, Petrografia e Mineralogia. Pp. xxi + 286; 40 plates. (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1909.) Price, 2 vols, 50 lire. (2) Resultats scientifiques des Voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa. Publies sous les Auspices du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. Avec Preface de M. Edmond Perrier. Pp. xli + 742. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, and Plon-Nourrit et Cie., 1908.)

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