
(1) An obvious need in aeronautical literature is a JL˜\ book giving a reasonably competent account of the principles of aviation, and not merely popular or spectacular on one hand, but not containing masses of technical detail of an engineering or mathematical character on the other. Messrs. Hart and Laidler's book is an attempt to provide for this need: it is intended primarily for young students among the aircraft apprentices in the Royal Air Force. The mathematical equipment of such readers is necessarily slender, and the authors do not use any more advanced mathematics than elementary algebra and trigonometry, with a few exceptions where the calculus notation has had to be employed. It may be said at once that the book seems at least to be a very good attempt in a new direction. It is pleasantly written, fairly full but not too big, comparatively cheap and nicely got up, with numerous interesting illustrations. (1) Elementary Aeronautical Science. By Ivor B. Hart W. Laidler. Pp. vi + 288. (Oxford: Clarendon Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1923.) 7s. 6d. net. (2) Les Helicopteres: Recherches experimentales sur le fonctionnement le plus general des helices: Etudes sur le mieanique de l'helicoptere. Par W. Margoulis. Pp. xi + 90. (Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1922.) 10 francs. (3) Etude sur le ballon captif et les aeronefs matins. Par Le Commandant Charles Lafon. Pp. vi + 206. (Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1922.) 20 francs. (4) Sur la theorie des surfaces portantes. Par Maurice Roy. (Collection “Scientia,” No. 39.) Pp. 130. (Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1923.) 12 francs.

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