
Abstract Front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) is increasingly viewed as a central policy instrument in the fight against unhealthy diets, obesity, and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), both for its direct effects on consumer behavior and for its potential to guide other effective nutrition policies (e.g. marketing restrictions, excise taxes). Major FOPNL schemes include the traffic-light system pioneered in the United Kingdom, warning labels as first introduced in Chile, the Australian Health Star Rating, and the Nutri-Score scheme developed in France. Countries that have already introduced mandatory FOPNL schemes include Chile, Israel, Peru, and Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, strong opposition from the food and beverage industry has prevented significant progress on FOPNL in many other countries. National developments have motivated several international initiatives. In 2019, the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Labelling began to formally negotiate guidelines for the development of FOPNL. Meanwhile, France and Australia have begun to convene a UN-supported Global Action Network on Nutrition Labelling. Understanding these national and international developments has become essential for effective public health advocacy in the field of FOPNL. The presentations in this workshop will therefore review recent key developments and identify major challenges to introducing effective FOPNL. The workshop will feature four presentations followed by an open discussion and exchange. Alexandra Jones will analyze key components of 31 existing FOPNL regulations and outline relevant best practice guidance. Tim Dorlach will explain why FOP warning labels first emerged in Chile and have subsequently diffused throughout Latin America. Chantal Julia will review the development of the Nutri-Score scheme in France and its adoption in other European countries. Anne Marie Thow will discuss how trade agreements and international standards can influence and potentially limit FOPNL schemes. Key messages Front-of-pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) is a central policy instrument in the fight against unhealthy diets, obesity, and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Understanding recent national and international FOPNL developments is essential for effective public health advocacy for FOPNL and related interventions.

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