
The silanol (Me 3 Si) 3 CSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )MeOH has been shown to isomerize to (Me 3 Si) 2 CHSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ) when it was kept at room temperature for 10 h in 0.2 M NaOMe/MeOH. Corresponding isomerizations of the above silanol (to give (Me 3 Si) 2 CHSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p ) (Me)(OSiMe 3 )) are complete after 26 h under reflux in pyridine. The reaction involve 1,3-migration from carbon to oxygen within a silanolate ion to give a carbanion, which rapidly acquires a proton from the solvent. Treatment of (Me 3 Si) 3 CSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )MeOH with MeLi in Et 2 O/THF give, by the same rearrangement, the organolithium reagent (Me 3 Si) 2 CLiSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ) which on treatment with Me 2 SiHCl gives (Me 3 Si) 2 C(SiMe 2 H)Si(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ) and (Me 3 Si) 2 CHSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ). When the experiment was repeated, but with Me 3 SiCl in place of Me 2 SiHCl, it gives exclusively (Me 3 Si) 2 CHSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ). Treatment of the organolithium reagent (Me 3 Si) 2 CLiSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ) with Mel gives exclusively (Me 3 Si) 2 CMeSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )(Me)(OSiMe 3 ). The related iodide (Me 3 Si) 3 CSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )Mel reacts with ICI and IBr to give rearranged (Me 3 Si) 2 C(SiMe 2 X)Si(C 6 H 4 Me- p )Me 2 and unrearranged products (Me 3 Si) 3 CSi(C 6 H 4 Me- p )MeX, (X = Cl, Br) respectively. The rearranged bromide (Me 3 Si) 2 C(SiMe 2 Br)Si(C 6 H 4 Me- p )Me 2 reacts with a range of silver [I] salts AgY (Y = OOCCH 3 , SO 4 2 m ) and Mercury [II] salt HgY 2 (Y = OOCCH 3 , SO 4 2 m ) in glacial CH 3 COOH to give the corresponding species (Me 3 Si) 2 C(SiMe 2 OOCCH 3 )Si(C 6 H 4 Me- p )Me 2 . The reaction of the bromide with AgBF 4 in MeOH or i -PrOH give the corresponding rearranged products (Me 3 Si) 2 C(SiMe 2 Y)Si(C 6 H 4 Me- p )Me 2 (Y = --OMe, --OPr i ).

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