
The acetyl substituents of the title compound, C7H8N2O3, are in the syn configuration. The bond lengths and angles are as expected for a mol­ecule of this kind.


  • The molecule of the title compound, (I), is shown in Fig. 1, and bond lengths and angles involving the non-H atoms are given in Table 1 and are generally as expected for a molecule of this kind

  • The whole arrangement brings about the CÐHÁ Á ÁO contacts given in Table 2, along with a CÐHÁ Á Á% contact involving atoms C7 and H7B and the centroid (Cg) of the ®ve-membered ring [this last with symmetry code (x y, z)], for which the

  • Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level, H atoms other than those involved in intermolecular contacts have been omitted y, z; (ii)

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Structure Reports Online

The molecule of the title compound, (I), is shown, and bond lengths and angles involving the non-H atoms are given in Table 1 and are generally as expected for a molecule of this kind. The torsion angles, clearly demonstrate the syn disposition of the acetyl substituents and are indicative of some departure from planarity in the con®guration of the molecule. This departure is further demonstrated by the dihedral angles between the planes of the ®ve-membered ring and those of the acetyl groups [3.1 (4) and 5.9 (3)] and by displacements of the acetyl O and methyl C atoms from the ring plane by as much as À0.110 (8) and 0.187 (8) AÊ for atoms.

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