
The siblings of children with significant externalizing behaviors can be recipients of bullying and harm from their distressed sibling. Child and adolescent psychiatrists support the child in various ways in the office, but it is difficult to identify ways to support parents in mitigating distress in the home toward the other siblings. Common parenting and sibling tensions and conflicts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic will be highlighted. Larry Mitnaul, MD, will briefly review the literature on the role of siblings in the development of externalizing behaviors during childhood and adolescence. Dr. Mitnaul will survey the family, parent-led, and sibling-focused interventions that are evidence-based that can be applied to a family system that has at least 1 child with externalizing behaviors. Dr. Mitnaul will discuss practical strategies and resources to diffuse tension and optimize healthier interactions between siblings, which the audience can then utilize with children and their families in diverse clinical settings. Participants will gain ideas for better identifying sibling negativity, coercive sibling interactions, and collusions that are associated with a conduct problem. Participants will improve their knowledge and gain practical therapeutic techniques to help patients and their families in the understanding and management of sibling dynamics, as well as parenting skills. Child and adolescent psychiatrists support siblings of children with externalizing behaviors. Attendees will be more informed regarding the literature on sibling relationships of children with these behaviors. Attendees will have a greater understanding of the strategies, resources, and practical skills to support siblings of children with externalizing behaviors and their families.

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