
Abstract Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Asthma often coexist. There is some evidence that adults with asthma are more prone to developing OSA than the general population, as well as OSA may impact asthma control. Different than adults, OSA prevalence is equal in boys and girls, while puberty has strong influence in asthma, especially in pubescent girls. The objectives of this study were to analyze the prevalence of OSA in boys and girls and the impact of asthma severity in OSA prevalence. Methods Asthmatic children attending a tertiary pediatric pulmonology clinic performed clinical evaluation, Pulmonary Function Test, and Home Sleep Apnea Test. OSA was defined as habitual snoring and one or more obstructive respiratory events (OREI) per hour of recording. Control and severity of Asthma were evaluated according to Global Initiative for Asthma and puberal stage using Tanner figures for boys and girls Results We studied 80 consecutive patients, 7 to 18 years-old, mean age 11.6 years (SD: 2.7), 51.3% female. According to BMI z-score, nutritional status was: 2 (2.5%) underweight, 63 eutrophic (79%), and 15 obese (18.5%). Puberty was present in 17 volunteers. Pulmonary Function Tests were obtained from 71 volunteers, 45% presented obstruction pattern. Home Sleep Apnea Tests were available from 76 volunteers, with mean OREI of 1.8 events/h. OSA occurred in 69 volunteers (91%), while 66% were mild, 21% moderate, and 4% severe. We did not find associations of obstructive sleep apnea with sex or asthma severity. Conclusion OSA was highly prevalent among these asthmatic children, but most were mild. Sex and asthma severity were not associated to OSA. Considering the interrelationship of both diseases, it is worth to keep in mind the possibility of OSA among children and teenagers with asthma. Support (if any) AFIP (Associação Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas)

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