
IL-31 is a pruritogenic cytokine that is elevated in certain dermatoses such as bullous pemphigoid (BP), and atopic dermatitis (AD). In BP, eosinophils appear to be the major source of IL-31. Whether this is specific to bullous pemphigoid, or other eosinophil rich dermatoses is unclear. We evaluated whether(if) IL-31 levels exhibit a correlation with lesional eosinophil levels in several eosinophil rich dermatoses. A retrospective immunohistochemical analysis of IL-31 expression was performed on samples consistent with BP, AD, drug rash, arthropod assault, and non-BP eosinophilic spongiosis. Basal and spinous epidermal staining was graded separately by two independent investigators on a scale of 0 to 3, and a gradient was calculated by subtracting the spinous from the basal score. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare mean basal, spinous, or gradient scores between each disease. And a Spearman-Rank correlation was used to correlate mean basal, spinous, or gradient scores with eosinophil counts with significance defined as P<0.05. Basal epidermal IL-31 scores correlated with local eosinophil counts in BP (R=0.706, P=0.003), though spinous levels did not (R=0.266, P=0.336). Amongst the diseases investigated, basal and spinous keratinocyte levels, as well as, the IL-31 gradient did not show any correlation with lesional eosinophils. Although, the epidermal IL-31 gradient showed a moderate correlation with lesional eosinophil counts (R=0.408, P = 0.003), with removal of the BP cases, this finding was shown to be no longer significant (R=0.246, P=0.188). Herein, we demonstrate that epidermal levels of IL-31 correlate with lesional eosinophilia in BP, but not in other eosinophilic dermatoses. The disease specific microenvironment, with anti-basement membrane zone antibodies, and the cytokine milieu that follows may be the driving force behind eosinophil chemoattraction and local release of IL-31.

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