
Article 36.1(b) of the Shenzhen Code (Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018) rules that a name is not validly published when it is merely cited as a synonym. We propose to include a new Example under Art. 36.1 related to an intended new combination that was included in synonymy. “Ex. n. (b) The intended new combination “Henckelia membranacea (Bedd.) Janeesha & Nampy comb. nov.” was included by Janeesha & Nampy (in Rheedea 30: 77. 2020) in the synonymy of H. missionis (Wall. ex R. Br.) A. Weber & B. L. Burtt (in Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 70: 350. 1998). “Henckelia membranacea” was not therefore validly published.” We thank Dr. A.A. Mao, Director, Botanical Survey of India (BSI), and Dr. R.K. Gupta, Scientist “E” and Head of the Office, Central National Herbarium, BSI, for providing facilities. We also thank Dr. K.N. Gandhi (Harvard University), who first pointed out that “Henckelia membranacea” was not validly published, N.J. Turland (Berlin) for refining the manuscript, and Dr. Ranee Om Prakash (Natural History Museum, London) for providing the literature where the name Henckelia missionis was first published.

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