
<h3>Statement of purpose</h3> Motorcycles are a dominant mode of transport in Pakistan. The number of registered motorcycles in Pakistan is 5321066, about 59% of vehicular population. The ratio of motorcycle crashes is very high. Enforcement and education regarding motorcycle helmet, knee safety guards and back view mirrors can be effective intervention to mitigate motorcycle related road crashes and injuries. However, in tribal areas of Pakistan people are antipolice and resilient to road safety enforcement and prosecution. Even in some instances Police officers were assaulted. Thus; Police has failed to implement motorcycle safety enforcement in these areas. <h3>Methods/Approach</h3> The program is based upon community participation involving main instruments of injury preventions i.e. education and training, community policing, advocacy, and media campaign. <h3>Results</h3> The program will be helpful in reducing violent behaviour of the tribal community, thereby; improvement in helmet compliance and obedience of traffic safety regulation. Compliance of traffic safety regulation and helmet wearing rate will result in reduced road traffic crashes involving motorcyclists. <h3>Conclusions</h3> Community based injury prevention program are helpful in improving traffic safety regulations. Community based Participatory approach will modify violent behaviour of the tribal community who is reluctant to follow traffic safety regulations. <h3>Significance and contribution to the field</h3> Road Safety will become part of culture and community will take it as an acceptable norm. Police officer will be safe and secured and will have confidence in enforcing road traffic laws on road. There will be reduction in road traffic crashes and injuries involving motorcyclists.

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