
Nowadays they build “Siberian Jerusalems” on the territory of Trans-Ural: Yeniseisk, Barguzin, Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk and Kainsk. Moreover in different times social and scientific discourse of Siberia (and Russia) already knew “Siberian Jerusalems”: Tobolsk, Kainsk. Researchers focus not only on the process of generating and existence of the phenomenon “Siberian Jerusalem”, but also on the issue of the very transferring process of the idea of Jerusalem to Siberia, spatial and semiotic introduction into the sacred space of Siberian cities. The authors pay special attention to the concept of “Siberian Jerusalem” as applied to the cities of Kainsk and Yeniseisk. Are there common qualities of two metaphoric “Siberian Jerusalem” and can we argue that these concepts are identical? Basing on these metaphors the study helps to figure out the genesis and essence of these constructs “Kainsk — Siberian Jerusalem” and “Yeniseisk — Siberian Jerusalem”, where they are implemented. In methodological terms the paper uses developments in the field of cultural-sematic transfer (S. S. Avanesov) and linguistic studies of metaphor as a language unit and mechanisms of its generation (N. D. Arutyunova, V. P. Moskvin). The authors conclude that while syntactic structure of the metaphor “Kainsk — “Siberian Jerusalem” and” “Yeniseisk — “Siberian Jerusalem” coincided they denote non-identical meanings.


  • Are there common qualities of two metaphoric “Siberian Jerusalem” and can we argue that these concepts are identical? Basing on these metaphors the study helps to figure out the genesis and essence of these constructs “Kainsk — Siberian Jerusalem” and “Yeniseisk — Siberian Jerusalem”, where they are implemented

  • R. The role of “Siberian Jerusalem”`s metaphor in journalistic discourse of the early 21st century (based on the regional and city press of Kainsk and Yeniseisk)

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Что при совпадении синтаксической структуры метафоры «Каинск — “Сибирский Иерусалим”» и «Енисейск — “Сибирский Иерусалим”» наполнены нетождественными смыслами. Куйбышева), помимо метафоры «Сибирский Иерусалим» с сигнификатом «еврейский», предложили читателю конструкт «Второй Иерусалим»: «Каинск по праву называли вторым Иерусалимом, поскольку это было единственное место в Западной Сибири, где развивалось содружество культур разных национальностей (поляков, евреев, русских, татар)» [16, с. Перенос идеи Иерусалима: случай Енисейска Синтаксическая единица «Енисейск — “Сибирский Иерусалим”», очевидно, была заимствована у конструкта «Каинск — “Сибирский Иерусалим”».

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