
A retrospective analysis and assessment of long-term changes in the annual and seasonal runoff of the Oka River basin over a long 131-year observation period (1881 / 1882–2011/2012) was performed. The changes in the annual distribution of the Oka river runoff over the seasons of the year (spring flood, summer-autumn and winter low water) from its annual value for the selected time periods (before and after 1976/1977) are considered. It has been noted that over the past decades, river runoff has been formed in new climatic conditions associated with global changes and, as a result, regional climate. The assessment of possible changes in the annual and seasonal runoff of the Oka River basin (to the final alignment – the city of Kaluga, with a basin area of 54,900 km2 ) in the first half of the 21st century is carried out. In assessing changes in the river flow of the Oka basin for the future period, the method of trends (trends) is used, based on the identification of cycles in fluctuations in hydrological characteristics and unidirectional trends (trends) inherent in individual phases (ups and downs) of these cycles, as well as to the establishment of functional (correlation) relationships between environmental factors (climatic, anthropogenic) and the nature of the response (river flow). In this case, the trend model serves as an alternative to the homogeneity hypothesis of long-term fluctuations in river flow. The change in the future values of the river flow of the Oka basin was estimated using averaged data of 30-year periods of time characterized by relative stationarity of climatic and hydrological conditions. The dynamics of the average 30-year values of the annual runoff in the upper reaches of the Oka River (the closure target is the city of Kaluga for the period 1881/1882–2011/2012) is considered. Possible forecasted mean annual values of the annual flow of the Oka River for the first half of the 21st century are obtained

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