
This article considers how terminological antonyms are presented in the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 21st Century edited by G. N. Sklyarevskaya (hereinafter the Dictionary). This dictionary is unique in terms of detailed dictionary entries and wide inclusion of conversational words and terminology, including terminological antonyms, into its word list. Antonymic terms represent a significant share of antonyms in the Dictionary. The Dictionary is the first to include many highly specialised antonym pairs from various fields of science such as biology, anatomy, physics, chemistry, technology, computer science, mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, botany, geology, etc. along with widely used antonym oppositions. It also shows antonyms from various professional spheres (sports, politics, etc.). The Dictionary includes stable terminological combinations with references to their antonyms, describes antonym pairs for terminological definitions of polysemantic words and presents the whole word formation nest of the main antonymic term. Thus, the Dictionary gives a much wider description of antonyms in comparison with other explanatory dictionaries. The Dictionary provides a strong basis for future research of not only antonymic terminology but also a number of ongoing processes in the Russian language: convergence of the common modern language with the language of science as well as de-terminologisation of the scientific and professional vocabulary. The Dictionary material can also serve as the basis for compiling new dictionaries of terms and antonyms as well as improving the existing ones. The brief analysis of the terminological antonyms from different fields of science presented in the Dictionary shows some unique structural and semantic features of antonymic terminology. Single-root antonyms formed with prefixes are more typical of the scientific language; as for semantics, complementary and vector oppositions are more widely represented in it.

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