
The article analyzes the pedagogical ideas that appeared in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century and led to the transformation of ideas about the essence of raising children in the family. The purpose of the study is the need to study the origins of new pedagogical ideas, as well as their features. It is indicated that the driving force behind the transformation of the institution of parental education in Russia was the Europeanization of our country, which occurred as a result of the reform activity of Peter I. At the same time, some of the new Western European pedagogical ideas were adapted to the Russian realities (in particular, these are the ideas of enlightenment as a way of mental and moral education, the justification of the value of work as an opportunity to transform a person and the surrounding world, understanding the importance of the educational environment of the family, rationalization of education, thedefinition of elite education for the formation of personalities of the «best sons of the Fatherland»). Some Western European pedagogical ideas were rejected: the principle of natural conformity of education, the need for respect for the personality of the pupil, attention to childhood as a special period in a person's life, the importance of creating an emotionally prosperous environment in the family for the development of the child's personality, individualization of education, the need for personal interaction between parents and children, etc. Some of the pedagogical ideas concerning the essence of raising children in the family were inherited from the previous era (the ideas of the fear of God as the basis of education, the need for children to obey the will of their parents, following strict discipline in behavior, authoritarianism, a strict system of punishments). As a result, this period is characterized as a kind of «fusion» of the traditions of parental education and their transformations under the influence of new meanings of being, first of all, statehood and enlightenment, when education and service to one's Fatherland began to be understood as the highest virtues of a person, which ultimately contributed to the development of Russian pedagogical thought in this direction.

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