
The presented article sets the tasks to consider the migration conditions and processes among the population of the Tetyushsky Krai, to identify the historical validity of their choice of a particular region for living, to determine the reasons that contribute to the movement of the population. The study of the history of the region in this perspective is being conducted for the first time. In our opinion, this approach to the study of local history is relevant. Ancestral ties in Tatar society have always been strong and representatives of the same family living in different regions maintained close contact and, therefore, kinship ties considerably affected the migration direction. In the course of our research, several directions of migration of the population of the Tetyushsky Territory were identified in different periods of history: after the fall of the Bulgarian state and, subsequently, the Kazan Khanate. The migration of certain clans took place on the territory of the current Spassky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. This movement was quite understandable, since in the memory of the people it was perceived as a movement within their land, their state. It is known that the territory of Volga Bulgaria stretched both in the left and right banks of the Volga River. It should also be noted that natives of the Tetyushsky Region founded some villages in the Almetyevsk and Spassk districts of the Republic of Tatarstan. The lack of arable land contributed to the movement of the population to the Menzelinsk district of the Ufa Province, in search of better conditions for farming. The connection of the inhabitants of the Mountain side with the southern city of Astrakhan is primarily due to its convenient geographical location for trade relations, which has been a favorite occupation of the Tatars since the beginning of centuries. Also, the climatic conditions of the southern region saved many in the hunger years in the Volga region. Those who moved from the Middle Volga region, mostly came from the Mountainous side. The study of the historical ties of the Tatars of different regions, migration processes and their directions provides new materials for researching the history of regions and settlements.


  • Тарихта халыкларның күчеше, яшəү өчен бер урыннан икенче урынга китүлəр һəрвакыт булып торган

  • The migration of certain clans took place on the territory of the current Spassky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. This movement was quite understandable, since in the memory of the people it was perceived as a movement within their land, their state

  • For citation: Salakhova E.K. Tӓtesh yagy tatarlarynda migracion küreneshlӓr: yünӓleshlӓre, sӓbӓplӓre һӓm nӓticӓlӓre (XVI gasyrnyñ ikenche yartysy – XX gasyr bashy) [Migration processes among Tatars of the Tetyushsky krai: directions, causes and results (the second half of the 16th – early 20th centuries)]

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ТƏТЕШ ЯГЫ ТАТАРЛАРЫНДА МИГРАЦИОН КҮРЕНЕШЛƏР: ЮНƏЛЕШЛƏРЕ, СƏБƏПЛƏРЕ ҺƏМ НƏТИҖƏЛƏРЕ (XVI ГАСЫРНЫҢ ИКЕНЧЕ ЯРТЫСЫ – XX ГАСЫР БАШЫ). Тəтеш районына керə торган Коллар авылы (Кызыл Тау), Коштау, Табар Черкене, Бакырчы, Урта Балтай, Түбəн Балтай, Колгана, Буа районының Бəбки, Əхмəт, Ташкичү, Кабалан, Күзби һəм башка авылларның кешелəрен күрергə була, аларның күбесе зур гаилəлəре белəн, туганнары белəн Əстерханга килеп төплəнгəн. Аның беренче яшəүчелəре Казан ягыннан чыккан кешелəр була, алар арасында чыгышлары белəн Тəтеш ягыннан булган кешелəрнең күп булуы да билгеле. Яңа Болгар авылы җирле Əстерхан татарлары авылы түгел, ул Югары Иделдəн күчеп утырган кешелəр авылы, монда гомер итүчелəр үзлəренең нəселлəренең чыгышлары Югары Идел белəн бəйле икəнен белсəлəр дə, аларның күбесе нəсел тамыры булган авылларының исемнəрен инде хəтерлəмилəр. Казан ханлыгы чорында Хаҗитарханнан килеп Тау ягында төплəнүлəр күп була, ихтимал, шул чордан булган халыкларның тарихи бəйлəнешлəре күчеш өчен бу юнəлешне сайлауга китерергə мөмкин. Күчеш тарихларын өйрəнү җирле тарих һəм авыллар тарихын ачыклауның яңа мөмкинлеклəрен ача

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