
The paper raises the question of a current role of methodology domestic criminal law and criminal law research. Methodological problems of criminal law are analyses, in particular the process of formation of the comparative (comparative) method in the works of criminologists of the middle of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. It is emphasizes that the comparative method of cognition contributes to the development of national domestic law, in particular, criminal law, as the above method is potentially the powerful driving force for its transformation. It is the most effective way to establish the patterns of development of law, by comparing legal phenomena at different times in different countries. It is possible to predict qualitative changes in foreign and domestic law in the future by having established a certain pattern of such development, it is possible to predict qualitative changes in foreign and domestic law in the future. Comparative analysis in the field of criminal law has many useful manifestations. For example, for a domestic legislator, it can be a source of important information about the legislative regulation of similar criminal relations in other countries. Such an analysis can be useful to the judiciary by clearly demonstrating the advantages or disadvantages of alternative ways of interpreting criminal law in foreign jurisdictions. Ukrainian legal doctrine, in turn, would only benefit from new theoretical knowledge and scientific approaches to solving modern problems of criminal liability. Not to mention the representatives of higher legal education, who with the help of a comparative (comparative) method will be able to teach future Ukrainian law enforcement and law enforcement officers to think critically and comprehensively, significantly expanding their professional horizons. The paper focuses on the fact that a methodology of the modern science of criminal law is a complex and multi-faceted institution that covers: a) analysis of a criminal law language; b) the structure and operative system of research methods applied in the criminal law; c) a conceptual frame of criminal law; d) laws of appearance, functioning and changes of scientific legal theories and doctrines in criminal law; e) problems of a structure of scientific knowledge in criminal law and scientific theories (constructions). The authors emphasizes that it is in the process of comparative (comparative) cognition that researchers have an ideas and suggestions for improving the functioning of domestic and foreign criminal legislation.

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