
Introduction. The article examines and introduces into scientific discourse some archival materials of G. S. Lytkin recorded by the latter in Kalmyk Steppe and pertaining to folk medicine, calendar rituals, and ethnography of the mid-to-late nineteenth-century Volga Kalmyks. Goals. So, the paper aims to describe and introduce into scientific circulation some unpublished materials from the library of the Faculty of Asian and African Studies (Manuscript Dept.), St. Petersburg University. Materials. The study examines archival records of G. S. Lytkin stored at the mentioned repository. Results. The tale of a plant referred to as ‘[wild] boar root’ once used by Kalmyks to treat animal and human diseases is of essential interest. The paper publishes an Oirat-language (Clear Script) manuscript titled ‘Caγān sarayin bičiq’ (‘The Writing of [How] Tsagan Sar [Be Celebrated]’) containing a didactic narrative of Lord Buddha’s miracles shown during the first half of the first lunar month for lay Buddhists. Besides, the work tabulates some statistical data on Kharakhuso-Erdnievsky and Baga Tsokhor Districts (Kalm. ulus), including lists of clans (communities) and their zaisangs, tamgas, nomadic areas allotted, etc. The Supplement contains a table compiled by G. S. Lytkin and containing data on clans across eight districts of Kalmyk Steppe.

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