
The social and economic features of the large estates development in the Tambov Governorate in the late 19th are examined. The class composition of the latifundists, the social and economic development features of their estates are considered. The source for the work are materials describing the major Tambov estates, “Digest of Statistical Data on the Tambov Governorate”. On the basis of the socio-economic development of the estates, the data system “Large Estates of the Tambov Governorate in the Late 19th Century” is compiled, which allows to generalize information on 489 latifundia of the Tambov Governorate. The relevance of the work is determined by the importance of studying the most successful forms of social and economical pre-revolutionary modernization of the post-reform agricultural sector. In the post-reform period it was the entrepreneurial activity of latifundia that was the source of new forms of rationalism and enterprise, social and industrial innovations. The study of sources makes it possible to generalize the territorial features of the concentration of latifundia in the region, to elucidate the reasons for the economic stability of the latifundia in the region, to determine the specific features of the industrial structure of the economic complexes of the Tambov estates, and to consider the most common methods of land use. The study of the industrial modernization of the latifundia is supplemented by a study of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the composition of local wage workers. The qualifications and shortcomings of the professions that were formed in privately owned farms were determined. Synthesis of material for a nu mber of farms shows that the economic success of large owners was largely due to the widely practiced use of a qualified administration and the involvement of agricultural hiring.

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