
This study aims to grasp the problems in WKBL so seek for effiiecnt and long-term solution based on thein-depth interview of 10 members from Korea Women``s Basketbalal nd relevant organizations, case studies ,previous researches, literature review and field experience. Followings are the key points of this research. Firstly, it is urgent for WKBL to replace of their players because it is closely related with absent of star playersin pro-league, aging phenomenon in key players and system of Korean National Team. Secondly, poor practicing surroundings, low level of education and uncertain future to become women``sprofessional players have brought Women``s Basketball into crissi. Moreover, WKBL``s draft system which appointsplayers who are not only ready for mentally but also physically(performance skills) cause a vicious circleand due to this reason, we are facing to lose outstanding rookies. Thirdly, even though it is hard to call WKBL as a pro-league, aech basketball clubs and WKBL has madeendless effort to overcome this poor surrounding. This effort hsowed as a positive point for development o fWKBL in long-term perspective. WKBL has been facing difficult situation such as poor Basketball Arena facilities,club``s deficit operations and financial difficulty, theya ttempt to many ways with local community and tr yto innovation by wkbl reform committee with various events . In addition, each club should develop a marketingstrategy which can draws audience to visit the arena as well as attract local people. Lately, through reorganizing the related organizations such asK orea Basketball Association(KBA), Women``sKorea Basketball League(WKBL), Korea Basketball League(KBL) and Korea University BasketballFederation(KUBF), they should develop not only unified but also cooperative system which can bring the nationalattention into the Basketball. Furthermore, star players should actively involve in the various area to createbasketball boom in Korea. Those activities will enhance women``s basketball to become a national sports.

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