
Carlos Macia, who is an emerging artist and just invited by LOEWE to create their traditional scarf says:“Ostensibly, fashion and art are dualistic; however, they have strong connection with each other for a long time.” Art can make the performance of fashionable dress broader, as an important medium that can not only support but show the deeper meaning of fashionable dress and the concept of the creator. This essay is based on the Roland Barthes’s work: The Fashion System. The transfer words I focus on in this essay are “elements of Spanish culture”, which through the combination with the clothing of Spanish fashion brand LOEWE, presenting the costume with strong Spanish art culture and amorous feelings. Moreover, by using the official catalogue and photos from LOEWE, this paper will prove and contrast the deeper meaning behind the surface of fashion when art and culture face to the fashion. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, description of the motivation and purpose, research foundation and method, scope and limitation and literature review. The second chapter takes the scarf collection of “Tauromaquia”, handbag collection of “2012 Granada”, and scarf collection of “2010 LOEWE-Macia” from LOEWE costume for example. This chapter will focus on the elements of Spanish culture: retrieving the bullfighter’s “traditional” but magnificent detailed costume, the Granada’s “classical” image of architecture in the south, and the “contemporary” art artist Carlos Macia’s creative background and characteristic. The third chapter will show LOEWE’s history, traditional craft and current situation at first; then, the connection between LOEWE and Spanish art and culture will be discussed in detail. The Spanish peculiarity in LOEWE’s costume will show up in the forth chapter, and demonstrates Spanish art and culture, which are mentioned in the second chapter. The conclusion is in the fifth chapter. Summarizing these five chapters, this research can conclude with three points: the presentation of the Spanish spirit, the new vision between the fashion and art, and, the lifestyle of “moving gallery”. Furthermore, the combination between art, culture, and the fashion, not only make their works’ performances broader, but also refine the art value and the deep culture meaning from costume.

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