
The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of modality in Russian, particularly, in the structure of ‘(что)бы + Vpast’. Cross-linguistically subjunctive mood contains modal factors, such as volitions, wishes, counterfactual conditionals, necessity, desirability, etc. Generally, morphological markers for subjunctives are less than those for indicative. In the case of Russian, subjunctive mood is expressed as the structure of particle ‘(что)бы + Vpast’, which is a simplified form of 2/3 person, sg. aorist of Old Russian auxiliary быти+l-participle. Subjunctive more likely occurs in the complement clause in some languages, but Russian subjunctive can both in main clause, and in the complement clause. Also, subjunctive expresses modality and modal meaning both in phrasal sentence and in clausal sentence.
 Чтобы complementizer can be employed with various part of speech, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and even prepositions with modal meaning. Modal meanings of lexical items projects to subordinate clause of чтобы+Vpast and causes the matrix subject’s wish, will, desire etc., to be realized in the sentence. In this structure, the subject of a subordinate clause must not be coindexed with that of matrix verbs by ‘Obviation Phenomenon’. Also, the Russian relative clauses take the structure of ‘бы+l-participle’ to express De Dicto reading for antecedent nominals.

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