
When designing a car, designers must find a compromise between the dynamism and economy of the car, on the one hand, and reliability and safety - on the other. The first problem is solved mainly by reducing the weight of the car by optimizing the design and reducing strength reserves, and the second - by increasing the strength and durability of structural elements. Reliability of units of cars is the maximum at work on steady modes that confirms experience of their operation. It is known that in the conditions of country routes on good roads reliability of cars is essentially higher, than at operation within the city. In cities, unstable modes of operation of car units are caused, first of all, by frequent stops and subsequent accelerations due to the presence of traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, railway crossings, traffic jams, steep ascents and descents on car routes, etc. All this necessitates frequent braking, shifting gears and moving. These circumstances lead to an increase in the dynamic load of the vehicle units and, as a consequence, to the intensification of the processes of wear of the friction pairs of the clutch discs, gears and cardan gears, and so on. All the factors that reduce the reliability of car units in urban conditions are particularly evident in the example of buses and taxis with a manual transmission. According to some data, the share of failures of mechanical transmission units of such cars is 19 ... 23% of all failures. During intensive operation of the car, various clutch malfunctions can occur. There are malfunctions of the actual clutch and malfunction of the clutch drive. Coupling defects occur not only due to intensive operation, but also due to violations of operating rules. Currently, clutch failures are mainly diagnosed by external signs. However, one external feature may correspond to several clutch failures. Thus, the process of determining the technical condition of the clutch of vehicles is an urgent scientific and technical task. A mathematical model of the clutch of the Volkswagen Polo Sedan as an object of diagnosis are presents in the article. A matrix for diagnosing the clutch of a Volkswagen Polo Sedan and a block diagram of its synthesis have been built.

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