
The study was conducted within the actual area of Lutoviska commune in Bieszczady district, Podkarpackie voivodeship in Eastern Poland. The dynamics of settlements in Lutoviska commune from the 2nd half of the 18th century was discussed. Maps and historical data were analyzed in the ArcGIS 10.3 program. In the study there were presented possibilities of applying the ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3 program. We analyzed the Lutoviska commune in terms of the changes of settlements and used maps for the analysis of changes in its structure. The first of these was the historical map, namely the tactical map of “WIG” in scale 1:100 000 from 1936. Next we analyzed maps from 1965 and 2014, which were prepared applying the “WMS” server. The changes in the number of villages and households were presented. Population dynamics for Greek-Catholics, “Latynnykys” and Jews for the year 1785 and Ukrainians in comparison with the number of Poles and Jews for the year 1939 were shown. Ethnic and religious composition from the 2nd half of the 18th century was evaluated. Based on the study of spatial placement of settlements with the use of Spatial Statistics (Spatial Autocorrelation Global Moran’s test, Standard Deviational Ellipse and Mean Centre) the character of settlements distribution in Lutoviska commune was presented. There was confirmed a similar configuration of Standard Deviation Ellipse and Mean Center for Greek-Catholics-Ukrainians in 1785 and Ukrainians in 1939 in Lutoviska commune. The scale and results of such changes are interesting for future research, mainly in terms of the change of traditional village system infrastructure and culture. Key words: dynamics, village, GIS, Lutoviska commune.

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