
The English version of this paper can be found at http://ssrn.com/abstract=2500784 La version espanola de este articulo se puede encontrar en: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3422000 A versao em portugues deste artigo pode ser encontrada em: http://ssrn.com/abstract=3422007 この論文の日本語版は、http://ssrn.com/abstract=3422018 Chinese Abstract: 作为创新市场的框架性规章,专利制度应当与其为之服务的创新进程以及其赖以运行的 竞争环境相适应。为了确保专利制度作为一项发明政策工具能够发挥 其 有效的功能,专利权 应该在参考社会经济成本与收益的前提下,加以界定、证成以及不断反思。 主权国家应该保持制定与本国技术能力以及社会、文化和经济需求和优先发展方向相匹 配 的 专利制度的自由 裁量权,但是这种自由裁量权应当在国际法范围内运用。考虑到国际法 解释中 的 一般原则,本宣言试图使这些边界更加清晰。其目的在于明 确 TRIPS 协 议给成员 国立法与司法机关 进行 实施与执行其专利制度所 应 预留的政策空间。 English Abstract: As a framework regulation for innovation markets, the patent system needs to be tailored to the innovation process, which it is supposed to serve, and to the competitive environment, within which it must operate. In order to ensure an efficient functionality of the patent system as an innovation policy tool, patent rights ought to be defined, justified and continually reconsidered by reference to their socio-economic benefits and costs. Sovereign states should retain the discretion to adopt a patent system that best suits their technological capabilities as well as their social, cultural and economic needs and priorities, with the proviso that the exercise of such discretion must remain within the boundaries of international law. Taking into account the customary principles of interpretation of international law, this Declaration seeks to shed light on these boundaries. The purpose is to clarify the policy space that the ‘Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights’ (TRIPS Agreement) leaves to national legislators and judicial authorities with regard to the implementation and administration of their patent systems.

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