
Field experiments on sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil typical for the Northern region of the Russian Federation were carried out to identify the dependence of seed productivity of red clover varieties on 
 abiotic conditions. Meteorological conditions during the years of research (2012–2018) were different and had a significant effect on seed productivity of clover. It is established that the seed productivity of red clover has a positive correlation with the temperature regime and a negative relationship with rainfall, which indicates the possibility of seed growing of this culture in the study zone. However, seed yield varied considerably from year to year and ranged from 96 to 403 kg/ha. The reasons for the reduction of seed production in some years were varied and complex. As a result of researches it is revealed that for formation of productivity of seeds of a clover more than 150 kg/ha conditions are necessary: sum of effective temperatures above 1400 °С, the hydrothermal coefficient less than 1.6. From 7 years of research conditions close to those in the Northern zone of clover sowing were 57%. The most plastic samples by seed productivity were selected: Taezhnik, K-44933, K-48009, K-1809, K-1040.

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