
Ukrainian Abstract: У статті запропоновано модель стратегічного розвитку університету, практичне використання якої сприяє підвищенню показників університетської діяльності. Метою статті є обґрунтування структури та змісту моделі стратегічного розвитку університету. Зосереджено увагу на основних поняттях дослідження. У межах статті визначено основні управлінські процеси моделювання стратегічного розвитку університету, які слугують платформоюдля розроблення моделізазначеного процесу. Визначено основні блоки та компоненти моделі стратегічного розвитку університету, розкрито їх сутнісні характеристики. English Abstract: The relevance of the article due to the need of modern universities to base their work on clearly defined strategic goals, to adapt to changes in the external environment, to regularly review the size, structure, programs and types of services provided.The need of the university’s strategic development caused of the increasing competition among institutions of higher education and a reduction in demand for educational services in view of reducing the number of students.The aim of the article is the justification the structure and the content of the model university’s strategic development. The author focuses the attention on basic concepts of the investigation.The elaboration of the model university’s strategic development is the scientific method of the investigation, which helps to design effective development of a university, to determine ways of the obtaining final results, to determine the conditions of systematic improvement of university activity. The model of the university’s strategic development is based on principles, laws and scientific approaches of the modeling of the university’s strategic development. The model contains specific components, which reveal the relationship between them, arrange the sequence of administrative processes of the university’s strategic development. The model of the university’s strategic development contributes to the improving performance of university’s activity. The structure of the model is represented by a graphical representation, which shows the features of the phenomenon of the investigation. The modeling of the strategic development of modern universities is carried out in conditions of instability of the competitive environment, a high level of dynamism of economic, social and political processes. Thus, the modeling of strategic development is a complex multi-step process, which is influenced by many factors.The decomposition was implemented of administrative activity in the process of modeling,it possible to determine the basic building blocks and components of the model. The model of the strategic development includes theoretical-methodological, diagnostic, prognostic and forming components, which are grouped by the mutable and immutable characteristic.The author determined main management processes,which establish a platform for the development of the model of university’s strategic development. Essential characteristics of the components the model of university’s strategic development are disclosed in the article.

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