
We were trying to study the validity of Puffer fish`s poison(Tetrodotoxin- TTX) to make a traditional Korean Medical treatment. The following conclusions were made after literary studies. 1. The first record of the puffer fish dates back 2000 years ago in the Chinese text Book of Mountain and Sea and other texts from the similar period. 2. Puffer fish`s poison IS known as tetrodotoxin which is an amino perhydroquinazoline compound. It has a chemical formula of in the hemiacetal structure and has the molecular weight of 319. 3. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) plays a role as potent neurotransmitter blocker by blocking the -gate channel which hinders the influx of ion into the cell. 4. Symptoms of the puffer fish poisoning ranges from blunted sense in the lips and tongue, occasional vomiting in the first degree to sudden descending of the blood pressure, apnea, and other critical conditions in the fourth degree. Intoxication of the puffer fish poison progresses at a rapid pace as death may occur after an hour and half up to eight hours in maximum. Typical death occurs after four to six hours. 5. Ways to treat the puffer fish poisoning include gastric irrigation, induce vomiting, purgation, intravenous fluid injection, and correcting electrolytic imbalance and acidosis. In cases of dyspnea, apply oxygen inhalation and conduct artificial respiration. 6. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) may be applied in treating brain disorders, ocular pain, excess pain in the large intestine and ileum, and relieving tension of the skeletal museles, neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, and etc. 7. In terms of Oriental medicine, the puffer fish poison has characteristics of sweet, warm, and poisonous. It`s known efficacies are to tonify weakness, dispel damp, benefit the lower back, relieve hemorrhoid, kills parasites, remove edema, and so forth. And the puffer fish eggs processed with ginger are said to be effective against tuberculosis and lung cancer, thus, it`s validity must be investigated and further research should be followed.

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