
Video games are continuously growing in popularity with every year. As the video game market is growing, more games get localized into other languages including Ukrainian. There is still not enough research on translation aspects of video game localization although translation scholars and localization experts have created a solid theoretical framework for such studies. The article deals with the translation and localization features of English video games. It is important to differentiate between translation and localization. The former refers to the entire process of adapting digital products for new markets including technical, business and cultural issues. The latter is an inherent part of localization but it only involves linguistic issues. It was revealed that the main features of video game discourse are interactivity and multimodality, i.e. the application of multiple semiotic systems within one medium. They both influence the types of text in video games, thus being important aspects for localization. It is established that the main purpose of video game discourse is to engage the player. It was pointed out that in-game texts are the main assets for localization. They are divided into a user interface, narrative and descriptive passages and dialogues. Each of them serves a different communicative function. Based on the survival action-adventure video game series Subnautica, the most common translation difficulties were established. One of them is the translation of non-equivalent lexical units that are mostly presented by names of fictional animals, plants and technology. The analysis of chosen translation strategies showed that the most efficient way of dealing is realizing the motivation behind their naming and creating an equivalent that would not contradict their depiction in the game. It was stated that pragmatic translation difficulties concern creating the same communicative effect as in the original. To deal with them, the translation should have a deep understanding of video game mechanics. Stylistic translation difficulties in video games are similar to those in fiction. They concern the rendition of different registers and stylistic devices in the target language. Technical translation difficulties were described as a special type inherent to video game localization. They might be caused by character limits and variables. To solve them, the translator often resorts to compression, omission and the complete restructuring of a sentence. Thus, video game localization is a complex type of translation that shares similar features with software localization, literary and audiovisual translation. Video game localizers often employ creative transformation to deal with technological limitations. Translators in this field should be aware of all types of in-game texts and their function to correctly render them in the target language.

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