
By reclassifying and reinterpreting the factor variables that were used in precedent studies on company informatization by research theme and perspective on them success factor, the present study tried to examine how different the factor variables are in frequency of use and by period, and how importantly they were considered by research theme and perspective on its success factor, combining them with the studies done on mechanism point of view. The key findings of this study are as follows. First, it was found that the frequency of using mechanism variables, which are reclassified based on SER-M perspective, has gradually increased since 1990s. While the frequency of using resource factors sharply increased in 1990s, it decreased from 2000s. It indicates that more studies were conducted of mechanism factors other than resource factors from the early 2000s. Second, when looking at those variables reclassified by research them, it was found that such theme as decision maker, environment, and resource factors were more used than other research themes in the studies on the measuring factors of informatization. Mechanism factors turned out most used among overall research themes. In particular, they were more frequently used in studies related to the performance of informatization. This result evidences that mechanism-related variables are more importantly considered in the studies than other factors. This study produces a practical implication: what factors companies have to manage and secure intensively to attain successful informatization. In addition, this study helps companies seeking informatization understand and take advantage of SER-M factors on the basis of knowledge in the transitional process of the factor variables used in studies by period. It is expected that CIO can use the key findings of this study in monitoring the factors by the stage of informatization.

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