
The urgency of the given issue is caused by the need to improve the publication productivity of academic staff and young researchers as the publication productivity is one of the indexes of the effective university work. The structure of articles in fo-reign journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science are quite different from the ones in Russian scientific periodicals. Hence, authors deal with real challenges when they prepare their scientific articles for further publication in leading foreign journals. The aim of the study is to reveal the main peculiarities of articles in foreign journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science databases and to focus authors’ views on those parts of the articles which are missed in the articles of Russian scientific periodicals. In the article the genres of academic writing are described. The scientific article is considered as a genre of the academic writing. The content analysis of the articles published in journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science databases is carried out. The comparative analysis is performed. The basic parts of the article in foreign journals are pointed out. The definitions of the parts are given. The recommendations how to prepare better article for further publication in foreign journals are suggested in order to improve the publication productivity of academic staff and young researchers.

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