
The article focuses upon key legal terms and their functions within Russian / English legal terminology, namely nedvizhimost / realty. The research aims to determine key legal terms that tend to form the terminology, analyze their meaning and structure, as well as the means of terminology enlargement. The paper covers current theoretical issues on the topic, features the patterns of legal terminology nedvizhimost / realty with the specific patterns in two languages. The research based on dictionaries of law data and professional literature concludes that Russian legal terms define nedvizhimost as the material object whereas English legal terms represent realty not only as the object but mainly as the rights for it. Outweighing consubstantial terms in number both Russian and English legal terms stand for highly specialized terms with poly-lexemic structures, emphasizing the significant function of the attributive parts, that can either co-exist with the basic term (out of their structure) or displace them.

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