
We study radiative decays of Υ to light quark jets innonrelativistic QCD by taking both the color singlet and coloroctet bb̄ operators into consideration. The cut for quarkjet energy and cut for the angle between two quark jets areintroduced. The sensitivity to the soft and collinearsingularities in the loop integrals are greatly reduced by thesecuts. With the jet energy cut of about 1 GeV, and the jet anglecut of about 36°, the branching ratio forΥ→γqq̄ is found to be 8.2×10−4from color singlet contributions. The color octet contributionscould be much larger than that of color singlet, depending on theestimate of the color octet matrix elements. This process mayprovide a new test for the color octet mechanism in nonrelativistic QCD.

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