
A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) on two types of phthalate plasticizer, DOP( Di-Octyl Phthalate or DEHP (Di-Ethyl Phthalate)) and DINP (Di-Isononyl Phthalate), is conducted in this study. The reference flow is defined as DOP(0.346 kg) and DINP(0.360 kg), the amount of required to produce PVC 1kg, respectively. The life cycle impact assessment is carried out for 6 impact categories such as POCP (Photochemical Oxidant Cretion Potential), ADP (Aboitic resource Depletion Potential), AP (Acidification Potential), EP (Eutrophication Potential), GWP (Global Warming Potential) and ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential). Then, the characterization results (indicator profile) are normalized by using the normalization references developed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE). The normalization results show that both DOP and DINP have relatively significant effect of ADP and GWP when the normalized value of DINP are slightly larger than these of DOP. On the other hand, DOP shows larger impacts than DINP for POCP, EP and ODP by 176.9%, 109.9%, 219.4%, respectively.

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