
In production, transmission, communication, consumption, and utilization of historical knowledge, various actors, groups, and institutions of society participate. Public history is based on the social space in which historical descriptions and representations take place. Public history combined with the school history curriculum provides for students an opportunity to recognize history as an activity that produces an endless series of discoveries as an ongoing conversation, not the final truth. It also provides an opportunity to recognize that history produces interpretations that change not only our understanding of the past but also our understanding of ourselves and this era in which we live. In this article, the relationship between school history education and public history, and the definition of public history as a dialectical process of identity struggles taking place in society were reviewed. Next, this article, while examining the formation process of the theory of history education oriented toward civic education, explored the reasons why teachers and researchers paid attention to public history in the process. And the meaning and importance of the above definition were examined. The reasons for paying attention to public history in history education are related to the problems of students'' historical consciousness. Students come into the classroom "with public history" by meeting representations of history in their daily lives. Each student is the subject of historical representation, and experiences the dialectical process of the identity struggle. How does school history education contribute to this student''s life? History teachers, who are designers of learning experience, must stand in a central position to deal with this question, and in many aspects, they need to have a steady opportunity to deal with this question from the teacher training process. Based on the reflection on the characteristics and impact of the history representations experienced by the pre-service teacher himself, I added a class case that attempted to understand the challenges and opportunities that public history poses to school history education.

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